Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Stiff Breeze of Genius: Would Someone Please Hand Me a Fan??

As is the case with most of my interests, my jewelry making hobby - originally designed to simply keep me out of the kitchen - has gone viral.  Not viral in the sense that everyone "out there" knows about it.  Viral as in there are tons of pieces now hanging in my makeshift studio and there's no way I can ever wear all of these in my lifetime viral.  My studio also serves as the utility-slash-laundry room of my house.  

Being familiar with online selling, I decided to open my own Etsy shop.  It's a bit intimidating.  Everyone seems so talented and crafty and . . . well . . . imaginative.  I have always seen myself as a person who copies well, but doesn't have the spark of originality.  I can tweak something I see to make it more "mine" but in general I don't get a lot of original inspiration type ideas.  I am in awe of those people.  You know, the ones who can see a Granny Smith apple and THINK of carving out the center to put in a votive candle??  Yeah, like that.  Me?  Not so much.  

But once I see that idea, I will try it with tiny pumpkins, certain firm veggies, and um . . . ok you get the picture.  So my work is inspired by the genius of others.  My goal?  To develop my own designs.  To loose the winds of inspiration in my mind's eye.  Heck, I'd be happy with just a breeze!  In the meantime, I'll keep honing my skills and doing my work until something pops.  Until then, here are a few of my current favorite pieces.